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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Importance of Time Management

Why so much fuss these days on the importance of time management?Everybody’s talking about smart time management principles, all sorts of time management activities, time management and stress, revolutionary time management ideas, and on, and on.Are you:
missing deadlines

keep being late for appointments
often delay replying to important emails
constantly overwhelmed and
stressed out......

in spite of using all kinds of online scheduling tools and electronic gadgets as reminders?

Then, the importance of time management will surely make sense to you too.

You don’t have to live like this for the rest of your life! You can improve this predicament radically with useful time management strategies, and practical time management tools.

Sadly, today most people lead a rushed and increasingly hectic life: multiple deadlines, a variety of interests and a multitude of roles; this is not likely to change any time soon, on the contrary! So how do you find enough time in the day to accomplish everything you need to do and live a meaningful life?

Well, you make the best of your time by setting priorities. That’s easier said than done, because everything is a top priority, right? But personal time management is all about self-management: being honest with yourself to clarify what matters most to you, and then set and achieve goal aligned with your own personal values.

Here’s where the importance of time management comes in.

You may have heard that time management is a system of skills, tools and practical techniques that anyone can use to get done as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. Learning time management skills is not part of most schools curricula, so don’t feel bad! You only have to implement some practical tips on time management, and use good time management advice on how to make the most out of your time.

If you are like everyone else, you want more time but you have all there is! You continually get sidetracked, interrupted and delayed, although you want things done in less time with less effort and stress to have more quality time for yourself.

It is distressing to admit how chaotic our lives have become; we have even coined the phrase "quality time" to label time well-spent. Believe it or not, time is a precious commodity that we simply can’t clone or multiply. Every resource can be replenished; but once spent, time is gone!

Now that you’ve recognized the importance of time management, let’s look at the benefits of it. You will be able to:

Eliminate procrastination
Have greater productivity
Spend more time with loved ones
Afford more time for a hobby or a sport
Experience less stress and improved health
Weed out time wasters and feel in control over your life
Do the important things first, rather than always deal with the "urgent" ones
And these are only a few of the advantages of time management!

While you may acknowledge the importance of time management, implementing it may seem like a lot of work, right? But it appears this way only when you have poor habits; moreover, bad time management habits and stress go hand in hand. But as you already know, changing bad habits is not an impossible task.

Unfortunately, Whether you realize it or not, managing your time wisely is essential to your quality of life, personal and professional success; it is vital to your health and one of the keys to happiness!

So, ask yourself: how much do you value your time? Is it something you want to fritter away in meaningless activities, or would you like to invest it in finding your purpose, making a difference, creating abundance and prosperity for you and your loved ones?Don’t underestimate the importance of time management; as you’ve already seen, the benefits are far too valuable to ignore! Yes, you can stop overwhelm and start taking charge of your life with practical time management tools.

Here is my source.

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